Thursday, December 29, 2011

Celebrations, celebrations everywhere and way too much to drink

We have been in a whirl of festivities over here, starting with Evie's 2nd birthday party!

 The much-anticipated George and dine-saw cake!  It took forever and was the reason our guests arrived while we were still tidying the family room.  Luckily our guests were all family of one sort or another, so all very relaxed.

 Let the present opening commence.

And let it continue...

 Especially if they contain fairy dresses.

Happy birthday for me?

 Evie's bike!

A quiet moment.

Then it was Evie's actual birthday on the 22nd.

 "I want that" on spying below..

"My playhouse!"

"I make dinner.  Pasta?"

"Hello, le' me know if need some help, 'kay?"

"Baby cupcake cute!"

Pancake breakfast for the birthday girl.

Then Christmas at my parents (on Christmas Eve)

 Doing craft with Mama, my beautiful grandmother

Finally!  The first presents are given.  The traditional babies from Mama and Papa. The girls were so patient, they waited beautifully until about 10.30!

 And to go with them, from Nanny and Grandpa..

 Bunk beds!  Babies were put to bed immediately.

 My suitcase?

Please take note of my Christmas earrings.  Abi picked them out for me all by herself.  And the necklace was part of a very special present from my grandmother; a necklace, bracelet and earring set that was originally her aunt's sometime in the early 40s.  I adore it and am going to get the earrings remodled to pierced-ear compatible.

And last but not least, Christmas day with my own beautiful little family.  I am so blessed.

 It was all fun, but sadly the fun is written all over my face.  The exhaustion, it resides in the bags beneath my eyes.
   Happy New Year, everyone!

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